April 1, 2011

No Reason

Movie Review: Rubber

In the California desert, for no reason, a tire stirs from its slumber, learns how to stand upright, move, and use telekinetic powers to explode beer bottles, rabbits, and human heads. He goes on a murderous rampage. Stars Stephen Spinella, Jack Plotnick, Wings Hauser, and a tire named Robert. Written and directed by Quentin Dupieux, also known as Mr. Oizo. 2010.

An unorthodox and enterprising movie with a sometimes overbearing metafictional aspect, Rubber announces that it is derived of the style of cinematic no reason, but poorly articulates its thesis. The film is funny, gruesome, and frequently tense, but clearly thinks it's much smarter than it actually is, and by the time the fourth-wall-breaking antagonist begins to grow tired of having to continue to work as long as he has an audience, I've begun to wish I wasn't it. It's worth a look, and the effect of animating a tire though simple is very well done. It's an experiment that would have been better served as a short film as opposed to a feature. Very self-aware post-modernism tends to be more effective in smaller doses. Or books.

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