May 17, 2011

I like it! More!

Movie Review: Thor

On the eve of being proclaimed King of Asgard, Norse god Thor defies his father's edict by declaring war on Jotunheim, and is exiled to Earth in the hopes that he will learn to be worthy of the title. Stars Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Stellan SkarsgÄrd, and Tom Hiddleston. Directed by Kenneth Branagh and released a few weeks ago (2011).

I never got into Thor the comic at all. My interest in Marvel comics really centred around the X-Men and Spider-Man animated shows of the nineties, and the idea of a high fantasy superhero existing among them never really appealed to me, so I can't speak to Thor the film as a faithful adaptation (though I hear it kind of isn't), so strictly experiencing it as a superhero action movie, it is a stupid one, but it's a fun kind of stupid and I enjoyed myself pretty much start to finish, but I'm not going to call this a masterpiece, and in the scheme of Marvel movies, I'll say it's not as good as Iron Man, but it's a lot better than Iron Man 2. Thor kind of meanders around Earth in a comedy of errors (which is funny) while all the real drama is still going on in Asgard (which is dramatic). The story keeps moving and once the two plotlines catch up with each other, it's an action spectacular. It's worth it for the great cast, of whom the standout is the underused Idris Elba as Heimdall, and Chris Hemsworth is a charming hottie who handles the lead well even amongst such a crowd of much bigger names. Definitely a worthwhile addition to Marvel Studios' lineup, and I continue to be cautiously enthusiastic about their current schemes.

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